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  • Then the chief cupbearer told Joseph what his dream had been. "In my dream there was a vine in front of me (Genesis 40, 9)

  • and on the vine there were three branches. As it grew and flowered, its clusters ripened into grapes. (Genesis 40, 10)

  • He ties his foal to a vine, and his ass' colt to the choicest branch. He washes his garments in wine and his robe in the juice of grapes. (Genesis 49, 11)

  • Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall. (Genesis 49, 22)

  • The trees said to the vine: 'Come and reign over us.' (Judges 9, 12)

  • The vine answered, 'Am I going to renounce my juice which cheers gods and men to hold sway over the trees?' (Judges 9, 13)

  • Judah and Israel lived in security, from Dan to Beersheba, and everyone was safe under his vine and under his fig tree, for as long as Solomon lived. (1 Kings 4, 25)

  • to what the king of Assyria says, 'Make your peace with me and surrender. Then I will let each of you eat of your vine and of your fig tree and drink the water of your cistern until I come again. (2 Kings 18, 31)

  • Like a vine he will be stripped of unripe grapes; like the olive, he will shed his blossoms. (Job 15, 33)

  • You had a vine you brought from Egypt. You drove nations out, to plant it in their land. (Psalms 80, 9)

  • Turn again, O Lord of hosts, look down from heaven and see; care for this vine, (Psalms 80, 15)

  • Your wife, like a vine, will bear fruits in your home; your children, like olive shoots will stand around your table. (Psalms 128, 3)

“Combata vigorosamente, se está interessado em obter o prêmio destinado às almas fortes.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina